
I am passionate about Cybersecurity. My nickname, SaIS is an acronym for “Serious about Information Security”. I am currently working in a different industry, but I am trying to break into the Cybersec field. The community has been very welcoming and it is an amazing community to be part of. Using this blog, I am hoping to help other newcomers and document what I am doing in order to advance my career. I hope that this blog would help potential employers to see what I am busy with and that it will showcase my skills as I am progressing.

I am quite new to the field, but I am putting in a lot of effort to learn and gain the knowledge and skills needed to be a valuable member of the community and help making the digital world a safer place. The things that I am doing might help someone else and what I am struggling with might be what other beginners also struggle with. I will try and document how I manage to overcome the things that the professionals would see as “simple”, but which I find really difficult.

Most people that are new to this field need to know where to start. I found that there are so much information out there that I am jumping around too much. From now on I will be doing one thing at a time and ensure that I document it. This will help me to have a reference, as well as others who might want to do the same thing.

The plan is to split my blog into different streams and posting information that will help both people in the Cybersec field, as well as people from the “outside” who don’t know all the terms, but also need to know how to safeguard themselves as much as possible. I will try and tag the posts accordingly.

Thanks for reading and I hope that my blog will be valuable to everyone who stumbles across it. I am open to constructive criticism and would appreciate suggestions. Please remember that not all suggestions will be followed as I will pick and choose the ones that fits into what I am planning for this blog.

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